Monday, April 25, 2011


I was poking around for something a little odd to do for "bicycle", from Illustration Friday. I suppose one of these riderless machines going by would give anyone a fright.
Pencil to start, then digital.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

round and round

For the IF topic of "journey".
I did a doodle of man in pram, probably after seeing a child in a pram , using binoculars reversed, which will be another illo at some point.
Then for the journey part, he is travelling around Saturn on the rings.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I have been doodling the pachyderm family for a new height chart that will feature stacked up hefalumps, to use a lovely word, so I thought 2 of them would do for the Illustration Friday topic of "duet".